Global Networks

Keller Rohrback is proud to be part of four global networks. These organizations allow Keller Rohrback to access resources and expertise across the globe to serve our clients’ international needs.

Integrated Advisory Group International

Keller Rohrback is a member of the Integrated Advisory Group International, which hosts members from the legal field, economists, tax advisers and fiduciaries, real estate and financial advisers, and accountants from all over the globe.  Each firm in this global network is carefully selected after a thorough interviewing process.


Global Justice Network

Keller Rohrback is a member of the Global Justice Network, which supports an international network of law firms.


International Financial Litigation Network

Keller Rohrback is a member of the International Financial Litigation Network, an organization of international law firms and organizations handling cross-border litigation that are committed to working collaboratively to advocate for improvement of good practices in the financial markets worldwide.


Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute

Keller Rohrback is a member of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. The Institute is a global organization for leading asset managers and service providers engaged in the public investor community

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