Eric Lombardo


1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400
Seattle, WA 98101 

Eric Lombardo sees complex litigation as a challenging but powerful tool for change.

Eric’s analytical relationship with the law was informed by his undergraduate studies in philosophy and politics at Whitman College. His postgrad work at the ACLU of Washington exposed him to ambitious, boundary-pushing efforts to expand what harms can be addressed in the legal realm, and led to his JD with honors at the University of Washington School of Law.  There, he spent his summers at the UW Tribal Public Defense Clinic and the Washington State Attorney General’s office and volunteered with the Washington Innocence Project Clinic. He also served as the Chief Articles Editor on the Washington International Law Journal and was a member of the school’s New York Bar Moot Court Team.

After earning his law degree, Eric clerked for Judge Douglass A. North in the King County Superior Court and for Chief Judge Lori K. Smith in the Washington Court of Appeals, Division 1. His experience with larger civil actions in those environments—particularly those dealing with corporate abuses of power—focused him on the question of how to further the public good through complex litigation.

Eric counts being deliberate and conscientious among his greatest personal and professional strengths, and he looks forward to applying them as he gathers experience in KR’s Complex Litigation Group. In his free time, Eric enjoys backpacking, hiking, snowshoeing, running, and light mountaineering. He is an avid reader and has been playing the cello since he was in elementary school—his favorite solo piece is Bach’s 5th cello suite.